Used for visibility during the night or in low-light conditions. Includes both high and low beams.
Indicate the driver's intent to turn or change lanes. Flash in the direction of the turn.
Illuminate when the brake pedal is pressed, warning drivers behind that the vehicle is slowing down or stopping.
Provide visibility for other drivers to see the vehicle's position at night. Always on when headlights are on.
Low-mounted lights designed to illuminate the road just ahead in fog, rain, or snow.
Automatically turn on when the vehicle is in motion to make the vehicle more visible during the day.
Illuminate when the vehicle is put in reverse to help drivers see behind the vehicle.
Lights on the front and rear of the vehicle, used when parked to ensure visibility in low light conditions.
Illuminates the vehicle's license plate for visibility at night.
Lights that illuminate the road when turning to enhance visibility of the corner or bend.
Both turn signals flash to indicate an emergency or that the vehicle is stopped in a dangerous location.