Article 15B. North Carolina Motor Vehicle Repair Act

§ 20-354. Short title.

This act shall be known and may be cited as the "North Carolina Motor Vehicle Repair Act." (1999-437, s. 1.)

§ 20-354.1. Scope and application.

This act shall apply to all motor vehicle repair shops in North Carolina, except:

(1999-437, s. 1; 2001-298, s. 1.)

§ 20-354.2. Definitions.

As used in this act:

(1999-437, s. 1; 2005-463, s. 1.)

§ 20-354.3. Written motor vehicle repair estimate and disclosure statement required.

  1. When a repair will exceed $350, the shop must provide a written estimate before starting work. The estimate should include parts, labor, diagnostic work, taxes, supplies, and extra services.
  2. The customer can waive the right to receive a written estimate.
  3. The estimate must be provided before work begins, unless a partial waiver exists, or if accurate costs can't be determined until diagnostic work is completed.
  4. A shop is not required to provide a written estimate if they refuse to perform the requested repair.

(1999-437, s. 1; 2001-298, s. 2; 2005-304, s. 1.)

§ 20-354.4. Charges for motor vehicle repair estimate; requirement of waiver of rights prohibited.

  1. A shop must disclose any charge for preparing an estimate and get written consent for any such charge.
  2. It is a violation to require a customer to waive rights under this Article as a condition for repair or to impose excessive charges for estimates to induce the waiver.

(1999-437, s. 1.)

§ 20-354.5. Notification of charges in excess of repair estimate; prohibited charges; refusal to return vehicle prohibited; inspection of parts.

  1. The customer must be notified if the cost exceeds the estimate by more than 10%.
  2. If the customer cancels the repair order after diagnostic work, the shop must reassemble the vehicle in a reasonably similar condition.
  3. Shops cannot charge more than the estimate plus 10%.
  4. A shop cannot refuse to return a vehicle if charges exceed the estimate by more than 10%, provided the customer paid the authorized amount.
  5. Customers may inspect or request the return of parts removed during repair.

(1999-437, s. 1; 2001-298, ss. 3, 4.)

§ 20-354.6. Invoice required of motor vehicle repair shop.

A shop must provide an itemized invoice upon repair completion, which should include:

(1999-437, s. 1; 2001-298, s. 5; 2002-159, s. 32.)

§ 20-354.7. Required disclosure; signs; notice to customers.

Shops must post a conspicuous sign indicating:

(1999-437, s. 1.)

§ 20-354.8. Prohibited acts and practices.

It is a violation for a shop or employee to:

(1999-437, s. 1.)

§ 20-354.9. Remedies.

A customer injured by a violation can bring a lawsuit for damages, court costs, and attorneys' fees. The customer can also seek injunctive relief. Violations are not criminal but may still involve civil action.

(1999-437, s. 1.)

§§ 20-354.10 through 20-355. Reserved for future codification purposes.